Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Takes Booking Now!

Take lemon in warm water every morning.

Complaints Policy & Procedure
We always aim to go above and beyond to deliver personalised health and wellbeing services in a friendly and compassionate way. Whilst we always try our best, we realise that we don’t always get things right so we have a positive attitude to receiving your comments, suggestions or feedback and want to know about your experience in our stores. We’ll try to provide an explanation for any concern that you may have and use your feedback constructively to improve our service.
We’ll always try and meet your immediate health needs and take any necessary urgent action necessary before proceeding to try and resolve your complaint. This may mean contacting other healthcare professionals like your GP.
We treat all complaints with dignity, respect and confidentiality. We’ll only discuss confidential information to the extent that is necessary in order to resolve your complaint and ensure that if we need to discuss this with a third party, that they are authorised to speak on your behalf. In some cases, we may need to ask for written consent or permission.
Our commitment to you
We will ensure:
Complaints are dealt with efficiently
Complaints are properly investigated
You are treated with respect and courtesy
You receive, so far as reasonably practical
Assistance to enable you to understand our procedure in relation to complaints or
Advice on where you may obtain such assistance
You receive a timely and appropriate response
You are told how we are going to follow up with your complaint and the actions that we are going to take if necessary in the light of the outcome of a complaint.
Contact us
Writing to: The Customer Team, Goodwill, 4 Trathen Square, London, SE10 0BH
Telephone: 0333 772 6162 (Office opening hours 9:00am-6pm)
Emailing: care@goodwilluk.com
Using our messaging service on our digital platform
Your feedback is very important to us so please let us know your thoughts.
Working days under these regulations means Mondays to Fridays which are not Christmas Day, Good Friday or Bank Holidays. The acknowledgement may be made orally or in writing via email or letter.
If our investigation is delayed or we need longer to follow up we’ll make you aware and agree a new response date.
Investigations, if necessary, are normally conducted by a member of the Management Team and overseen by the Pharmacy Superintendent . The Pharmacy Superintendent will retain records of the complaints, monitor feedback from all complaints and produce reports so that we can learn from feedback and work to improve the service we offer.
We’ll always offer an apology, if appropriate and aim to give you a full explanation and resolve the issue to your satisfaction. If you’re not satisfied with the way we handled your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the local Primary Care Organisation or the Ombudsman:
Visit www.ombudsman.org.uk
Call the complaints helpline: 0345 015 4033
Email phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
Fax: 0300 061 4000
Writing to: The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP
Responsible Person – Nina Bobie-Agyekum, Pharmacy Superintendent